About Mr. Seyler

10 Fun Things To Get To Know Mr. Seyler

1. He is from rural Pennsylvania, but he is not Amish.
2. He studied Pastoral Ministry in college and seminary (but was never a pastor).
3. He played college soccer and won a national championship.  #jogobonito
4. He is married to his college sweetheart who he accidentally injured on their first date.
5. He and Kim have 6 kids (see pic / L-R): Jack, Emma, Malachi, Robbie, William Wallace, Ezra.
6. He has been a H.S. Bible teacher at Grand View since the year 2000.
7. He worships and serves at Grace Church in Des Moines. 
8. He is an avid Notre Dame fan (despite being an ardent Protestant).  #irony
9. He enjoys the outdoors, especially hiking, hammocking, and hunting.
10. He has a 2,500 book collection, and has not read every single one yet.
Bonus: His favorite place to travel (and maybe live one day) is Alaska.


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