Syllabus (2020)


H.S. Bible Classes, Fall 2020
Grand View Christian School

Instructor:   Mr. Rob Seyler



Office Hours:  6th hour or after school


 Course Components:

1.       Daily Class Lectures (Monday-Thursday)

2.       Memorization Work

-          Scripture Verses

-          Theology Vocabulary

3.       Class Assignments

-          Vocabulabs, Opinion Papers, etc.

4.       Weekly Quiz (Friday)

 Course Materials

-          Pre-printed notes / handouts

o   Note: Students are strongly encouraged to use a 3-ring binder with pockets (2-3”)

o   If class notes are lost, they will not be replaced by the teacher.

-          All students should bring a Bible to class every day [translation/language of their choice].

o   Note: Scripture memory will be in ESV. Students who prefer to memorize the Bible in an alternate translation will arrange to orally recite the verses to the teacher on the day of the quiz.

 Course Information

-          Students will need to join Google Classroom and be familiar with it during the year.

§  Freshmen: 36mty2a

§  Sophomores: phd7hw7

§  Juniors: 747yzl

§  Seniors: cyfawor

-          Class info can be accessed on Google Classroom (including Memorization lists).

-          Vocabulary is also posted on Memrise ( to assist in memorization.

-          Extra credit is offered every Monday by submitting notes from Sunday church (due by 3:15 p.m.).

-          Extra credit is offered weekly to students who bring their Bible to class every day.

-          Extra Credit is also offered to those who keep all quizzes and tests from the semester.

 Online Learning

-          Whenever and for whatever occasion that we have online school, the following will apply:

o   All online work will be posted on Google classroom daily by 8:30 a.m.

o   It is your responsibility to log on and do the daily work (i.e. Do not wait/look for an email to prompt you).

o   Most of the online learning involves watching a video of me teaching a lesson.

§  Having and taking notes is critical as you watch the video.

§  Assignments are often embedded in a video.

§  There will then be a quiz (through Google) at the end of the week.

o   Official grades will not come through Google, but our official online grades portal (iNow)

§  Always check iNow to see your grades and to check for missing work

Course Grading:

-          Quarter 1: 45%           Quarter 2: 45%            Semester Final: 10%

o   Quiz – At the end of each week; Over verses, vocabulary, notes           50 points

o   Monthly Test – After 3-4 weeks; Over that month’s quizzes                 150 points

o   Opinion Papers – Regularity varies (typically 1x/month)                      50 points            

o   Class Assignments – Regularity varies                                                   25 points

-          There is no grade weighting.  Whether it is HW or quizzes/tests—all work is treated as equally important.

-          All grades are posted online (iNow). It is the student’s responsibility to see what they are missing.



-          If you are absent on a quiz or test day, please seek the teacher as soon as you return to make it up. All missing grades are registered as a zero on iNow until it is made up. If the grade is made up within the 3 day period, there is no penalty. Grades can still be made up within the quarter but may incur a penalty.


Testing Schedule


Q1          August 21

Q2          August 28

Q3          September 4

Q4          September 11

T1          September 14

Q5          September 18

Q6          September 24*

Q7          October 2

Q8          October 8*

T2          October 12

Q9          October 16

Q10        October 23

Q11        October 29*

Q12        November 6

T3          November 9

Q13        November 12*

Q14        November 20

Q15        December 4

Q16        December 11

T4          December 14

Semester Finals   December 17-18, 21-22


- Most quizzes are on Fridays; however, some are on Thursdays*

- Weekly Quizzes are over the memory verse(s), vocabulary, and questions from the week’s lectures/class notes.


- A test is given after 4 weeks of quizzes.

- Each test will only cover the previous verses (not vocab or questions).     

- However, the Final will cover all the information on the 16 quizzes

 *It is your responsibility to prepare for quizzes and tests. Because the testing schedule is listed here, the teacher will not always spend time reminding you.  It is especially important to note when tests are scheduled—mostly because they occur on Mondays.

Academic Help

-          The undisciplined student should not ask the teacher for extra credit to recover their grade.

-       The struggling student should not wait until late in a quarter or the semester to talk to the teacher for strategies to improve their grade.

-          The teacher is always interested and available to assist students who need help.  Advocate for yourself J

 Academic Integrity

-          Being a Christ-centered school, truth and honesty are pivotal values. Any form of cheating will be viewed as a breach of conduct by the teacher and school administration.




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